Culture of Niue

Culture of Niue

Culture of Niue

Niueans take pride in their many traditions and cultures that have been handed down from generation to generation as a living entity. Many are still being observed today such as our koloama season where seasonal sardine-like fish visit Niue’s shores. When koloamas run, certain places are closed to public swimming, but there are still numerous other swimming pools and coves that can be used during that short period. Sunday is a quiet day in Niue. Most people attend church in the morning and again in the afternoon. Throughout the country, Sunday is considered to be a day of rest and worship and visitors are asked to be considerate of the local Sunday observances. Many people play golf, go sightseeing and swimming on Sunday, but certain activities such as boating and fishing are not allowed. Anyone not sure of Sunday protocols are welcome to check at the Niue Information Office in Alofi for guidance. Tipping is not encouraged.

Niue’s less than 1500 residents enjoy dual citizenship, as an independent nation in free association with New New Zealand. They are bilingual, speaking both Niuean and English, and enjoy an independent lifestyle. The locals are very receptive to visitors and have accepted tourism as an important component of their economic wellbeing. They are well educated, generally enjoy life and travel quite often.

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